After his Delhi trip, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today called on Governor ESL Narasimhan at Raj Bhavan here. KCR had a brief discussion with Narasimhan and apprised him of his national capital sojourn. He is learnt to have informed that during his meeting with Prime Minister he sought Narendra Modi to take a call to bifurcate High Court among two Telugu states. As the Prime Minister reportedly gave an assurance to talk to union law minister on HC split the meeting assumes significance. It is likely that the Governor is to call a meeting of chief ministers of two Telugu States to sort out the HC split issue. It is understood that Modi is to make a visit to Telangana and formally launch the prestigious Mission Bhagiratha program likely on August 7, besides participating in some other developmental works. They are said to have discussed on the prime minister’s visit and security arrangements. (NSS)