Telangana Political JAC Chairman Prof. M Kodandaram has slammed the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao in a serious manner here on Wednesdayalleging that the TRS government was wresting lands similar to slain gangster Nayeem.
Addressing the convention of displaced people by the projects at Sundaraiah Vignana Kendram here on Wednesday, Kodandaram said that the projects were needed to the development of the Telangana but there was a need to held deliberations with the people concerned with perfect plan. He said that there was a need to design the projects by discussing with the experts with the participation of the people concerned otherwise the government has to stop the projects immediately.
He warned the TRS government that JAC will organise a huge dharna at Indira Park during the Assembly’s winter session in case the government failed to come down a step in this regard. He urged the farmers to attend in huge numbers to the proposed dharna at Indira Park during Assembly session. He said that JAC will hand over the JAC’s Declaration Copy to the Revenue Secretary, Chief Secretary, Deputy Chief Minister and the Commissioner of Land Acquisition.
The convention took seven resolutions and they were—1. The state government has not to acquire lands forcefully from the farmers for the sake of irrigation projects and industries. The government has to put a full stop for acquiring lands by threatening the farmers; 2. The government has not to acquire lands from the farmers as it wished without having Detailed Project Reports (DPR); 3. The government has to give the compensation as per the demand of the people and the government has to give land for land and it was not correct to the government to escape after giving money to the farmers; 4. The government has to give compensation to the people depends on the lands along with the farmers, who lost their lands; 5. The government has to make the farmers, who lose their lands, as beneficiaries of the projects; 6. The government has to compensate the farmers following the Land Acquisition Act-2013; 7. The government has to give same compensation to the land whatever its type may be. (NSS)