Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has given the nod for recruitment of 9,000 policemen in a single take across the State.
The Chief Minister, on Saturday, signed the relevant files and for the first time in the country, the State Government provided 33% reservation for women in the fresh recruitments. KCR has also proposed changes in the Physical Fitness Test for these recruitments while reducing the distance in running test for women candidates. He also gave other relaxations in conduct of physical tests.
The State Government will fill 8,360 vacancies in police department, 186 in Special Protection Force and 510 posts in Fire Services Department. They include posts of 1880 Civil Constables, 2800 Armed Constables, 3200 Special Police Constables, 107 Civil SIs, 91 Armed SIs, 288 Special Police SIs and 35 Communication SIs. In SPF, there will 12 SIs and 174 Constables posts and in Fire Department, the posts of 500 Firemen/Drivers and 9 SIs will be filled.
While 33% reservation will be provided for women candidates in Civil Police post, they will have 10% reservation in Armed Police. To fill the posts of Mechanics, the Police Department will conduct Trade Test on the lines of RTC.
All aspirants will have to pass the Personality Test and the government has decided to include Telangana’s history in the exam syllabus. (INN)