Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao paid floral tributes to noted Telangana poet and literary icon Dasharathi Krishnamacharyas on his 91st birth anniversary at Ravindra Bharathi here. KCR handed over Dasharathi award to his Teacher Tirumala Srinivasacharya with a shawl and handed over Rs 1 lakh and 116 to him on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, the chief minister faulted his Andhra Pradesh counterpart N Chandrababu Naidu for his remarks at Rajahmundry that Hyderabad people had no culture and were idle, became active and learnt to wake up early in the morning at the behest of NTR the former chief minister. KCR reprimanded Naidu for belittling Hyderabadi culture and community and said that the latter can build his Amaravathi and develop instead of poking thorns in Telangana. “We are fortunate that Hyderabad a historical city is our state capital and Naidu cannot compare his yet to be developed Amaravathi with it”, he said.
He exhorted the gathering of poets, literates, authors and intellectuals to give Naidu a fitting reply through their works of poetry and books and other literary works. Better if Naidu minds his own business, else we will teach him a lesson, he warned. The government will come with a policy to promote Telangana literature, poetry, culture and tradition in a big way, he vowed.
Speaker S Madhusudhan Chary, Home Minister N Narsimah Reddy, Gnanpeeth Awardee Dr C Narayan Reddy and Government Advisor KV Ramana Chary were those who attended the program conducted by state government.