Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is treading the path shown by social reformer Jyothi Bha Phule, BC Welfare Minister Jogu Ramanna today said. He launched a wall poster to mark the birth anniversary of Jyothi Bha Phule in the state on April 11 at a program here along with MBC Chairman T Srinivas, state BC Association president J Srinivas Goud and others.
On the occasion the minister praised showers on KCR for according top priority to BC welfare and launching several schemes. He also noted that the chief minister gets the credit for launching as many as 119 BC Gurukul Schools in the name of Phule in the state of Telangana. The minister also said that the government is for extending all help and encouragement for BC students to pursue foreign education. The government under KCR leadership is providing financial assistance for the purpose, Ramanna said. (NSS)