Continuing his tirade against Telangana Chief Minister, Telugu Desam legislator A Revanth Reddy, who is principal accused in the infamous “Vote-for-Note” scam that rattled the State politics and fuelled rivalry between chief ministers of the two Telugu States, Revanth Reddy today said Chandrasekhar Rao deceived the people by not implementing his manifesto promises.
Speaking at TDP’s foundation day of Mahanadu on its last day of three-day event at temple town of Tirupati here on Sunday, Revanth Reddy accused KCR of indulging in duping the people. Apparently to get more marks from his boss and AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, who offered him some sweet at the do, Revanth has launched a scathing attack on KCR as expected. “The TRS government failed to keep its promises and ignored to offer jobs to kin of martyrs families”, he alleged. Introducing a resolution “TRS Government—failure in manifesto promises” in the Mahanadu, Revanth said Telangana people believed KCR and made him chief minister. KCR failed to keep his promises and no development took place so far despite spending a whopping Rs 2.5 lakh crores, he fumed. (NSS)