Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today called on Union Science and Technology and Environment Minister Harshavaradhan in Delhi and discussed on irrigation projects, environmental clearance and other related issues.
The Chief Minister who is in Delhi for a few days, today met the Union minister and sought speedy permissions for the projects in Telangana State. KCR also spoke on Kaleshwaram project and sought mandatory environmental clearances to the projects and release of funds. Those present in the meeting were: Union Minister Bandaru Dattatraya, TRS MPs K Keshav Rao, Jithender Reddy, Vinod Kumar and government representative in Delhi S Venugopala Chary.
It may be said here that the Chief Minister, who joined the program to support BJP-led NDA’s Presidential candidate Ramnath Kovind’s nomination, is to stay put in at the national capital for a few more days. KCR is expected to mount pressure on the Centre to relax GST on granite, clothes, people’s schemes like Mission Bhagiratha and Mission Kakatiya and Irrigation projects. Telangana Chief Minister is likely to attend another historic program of launching GST in Parliament on June 30 midnight. (NSS)