With the Telangana government treating the first ever Pushkaralu in the one-year old State very prestigiously. The T govt has also declared holidays for schools from July 13 to 25. The government issued orders on Thursday to this effect.
In five districts namely Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Warangal and Khammam Schools will remain closed from 13 to 25 July. The government directed the school managements to compensate these holidays by operating on second Saturdays till April 2016 and also on four optional holidays.
Chandrashekar Rao and his Council of Ministers might take a decision to release funds to district collectors for Pushkarams, and will discuss Iftaar parties and clothes distribution to Muslims in all the ten districts of the State.
It may be recalled that Chandrashekar Rao announced there will be a big recruitment drive in July. He and his Cabinet colleagues would discuss about age relaxation and various issues including TSPSC rules. Also they would deliberate about the regularization of contract jobs issue.