Hyderabad: TRS supremo and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao today directed his party cadre to coordinate at village and towns level to win upcoming polls to ZPTCs and MPTCs. “Strengthen the party by 100 per cent in rural areas by active coordination”, he said.
Addressing an extended meeting of the party leaders at Telangana Bhavan here on Monday, KCR finalised the names of MLAs Kova Lakshmi as Asifabad ZP Chairperson and Putta Madhu as Chairman for Peddapally Zilla Parishat and will announce the remaining names for others. Exuding confidence that the TRS would win 16 MP seats, KCR said the rank and file of the ruling party should work in tandem at rural level. With the same spirit, we have to win 32 ZP Chairmen posts and over 530 Mandal Parishat chairmen posts with involvement of local leaders.
The Chief Minister also stressed the need for eradicating corruption as people and farmers were facing problems at ground level. He asked the leaders to be prepared for the local bodies’ polls and win all of them. The TRS government will bring in tough reforms and new Revenue and Municipal Acts to provide hassle-free and corruption-free services. “The people are pinning hopes on our government for speedy and better services without scope for the corruption. There are complaints about bribing in Revenue and other wings too, which was causing panic among people. “During the polls, we must create confidence among the people that they will get transparent and corrupt-free services”, he added.