Hyderabad: Alleging that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao deceived journalists too similar to all, TPCC Chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy assured that the Congress party will extend land sites, up to Rs.5 lakh health treatment, accreditations to all journalists and Rs.3 lakh ex-gratia to the bereaved journalist families if the party comes to power. Uttam also made it clear that he will include these in their manifesto for 2019 elections.
Addressing the Journalist Garjana meeting held at RTC Kalyana Mandapam here on Monday, Uttam said that the journalists played pivotal role in achieving freedom to the nation. He alleged that the media was being suppressed in the state and nation. The present rulers were expelling the members, who were being elected by the people, from the Assembly, he lamented. Opining that the journalists have the power of giving shock treatment to the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, Uttam said that the journalists and politicians have the responsibility of protecting the democracy in Telangana state. He said that there was a culture that the Chief Ministers from Congress party were used to accessible to the journalists at any time but there were no such conditions today in Telangana state. The then Congress government allotted plots to the journalists at Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills, he said. He stated that the Congress party would come to power in 2019 elections with the help of journalists and said that the party will take a decision on free-education to the children of journalists after discussing at party forum. (NSS)