Adilabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Thursday challenged the BJP to declare whether that party implemented a single welfare scheme such as the ones launched by TRS government in Telangana in any of the BJP-ruled State in the country.
“Mr Modi and Mr Shah, I am asking you if you have the courage, then give a reply. Have you, in the 19 States where BJP was in power, gave 24-hour power supply to farmers as we have done in Telangana? Have you reduced even a single Rupee in farm loans? Did a single BJP ruled State give Rs 1,000 welfare pension or given pensions to single women?”, Chandrashekhar Rao said. He was addressing a TRS campaign meeting here.
“Peekindemi ledu kaani rashtram loki vachi matladutaru (there was nothing they have done but they come here and talk big). And we are expected to believe your words?” the Chief Minister said. Continuing his attack on Modi and Shah, Chandrashekhar Rao said: “Does Modi have anything to show other than his ‘Mann Ki Baat’? Khaali yahan aake gappe maarte (they just come here and pass their time making useless talk),” he added.
KCR also said, “when we ask for increasing of reservations based on increased population of STs and Minorities to 12 per cent, Modi and Shah reject it outright. Should people from these sections in Telangana not receive their rightful benefits?” The BJP leaders, he said, appear to be in the mistaken belief that Telangana is their ‘Jaagir (fiefdom)’. “How long will they keep promoting differences in the society, try to divide people on religious lines?” he said.
Chandrashekhar Rao said, “In a mature democracy, it is always people who win and not political parties or their leaders. You should give thought to what TRS government has done. It gave continuous power supply. It implemented many welfare schemes for the weak and downtrodden and for farmers. In contrast, in 58 years of their rule, the Congress and TDP did not do anything. Elect a party that has demonstrated that it cares for the people not someone who continues to make promises after having failed to do anything for nearly six decades, he added.