Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao today closeted with Governor ESL Narasimhan for about an hour. According to the information, KCR had talks with the Governor in the wake of his national capital tour. Both reportedly discussed on key issues pertaining to Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act which is yet to be implanted with regard to allocation of officials and staff among the two Telugu States. Besides bifurcation of institutions and immediate call for bifurcation of the high court, they dealt with steps to resolve the key issues between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Other issues that prominently came up in the meeting are drought situation, summer, heat waves and steps being taken by the government to provide drinking waters to people. It may be mentioned here that during his recent Delhi visit, Narasimhan is learnt to have urged the Centre to resolve the pending issues of the two States. (Photo: Zabi)