Hyderabad: Paving way for the Assembly session from January 17, TRS president and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao today chaired a key meeting of Cabinet at Pragathi Bhavan. On discussing on issues, along with Home Minister Mahamood Ali, the Chief Minister has taken a decision to give nominated post to Stephenson who belongs to Anglo- Indian community in the house as per norms of State legislature.
Ali being single Minister in KCR Cabinet has praised the Election Commission and Chief Electoral Officer, Rajat Kumar for conducting the Assembly polls in a fair and peaceful manner. The home minister gave pat to the staff of the Election commission with regard to Assembly Elections conducted successfully.
KCR who is noted for communal amity of Ganga Jamuna Tehzeeb, has offered the Pro-tem speaker post to TRS ally, the MIM senior legislator Mumtaz Ahmed Khan of Muslim community from the city. Accordingly related proposals were forwarded to the Governor for his nod and to issue Gazette notification. Followed by constitution norms, the chief minister took a decision to nominate Stephenson who will take oath along with other 119 MLAs on Jan 17 when the session begins.
Cabinet decided to distribute copies and related books of Indian Constitution, Assembly procedures, booklets and other data in three Telugu, Urdu and English to all the MLAs. Legislature Secretary V Narsimha Charyulu has displayed the same copies at Pragathi Bhavan.