Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed the officials to keep the canals under SRSP ready to enable supply of water to the cent percent Ayucut by next year. The CM wanted water to be supplied to 16 lakh acres from SRSP, another 24 Lakh acres from other projects and the total 40-lakh acres should get Godavari waters.
He said projects are being constructed in Telangana state based on its share of water in Godavari and there is possibility of utilising water from the Kaleswaram project from the next year. He said that there is an adequate availability of water and funds, in such a situation if farmers were not given water for irrigation, it would be a great sin. He wanted canals in the 346 Kms stretch from SRSP to Nadigudem should be ready and the government is ready to spend any amount of funds. Under SRSP 16 Lakh acres and 8.5 Lakh acres under LMD water should be supplied for two crops and all the tanks under these projects should be filled up. The CM also instructed the officials concerned to study the viability of turning the tanks in Palakurthi, Station Ghanpur, Dornakal, and Tungaturthy Constituencies into reservoirs and prepare estimates.
The CM held a review meeting on optimum utilisation of SRSP at Pragati Bhavan here on Monday. Under the united AP rule they have shown SRSP as constructed and created an impression as though water is given. But water is never given at an optimal level. Water did not reach the final Ayucut. Farmers suffered a lot due to lack of water. Now we ought for TelanganaState and got it and the results should reach the farmers. Under the united AP Telangana had 950 TMC of water was available and this was not utilised. Now with the projects we are constructing we will be utilising 500 to 600 TMC of water. With this we can give water to 40 lakh acres. “Due to the efforts of the government formed after the Telangana State formation, we have reached an agreement with Maharashtragovernment and we are constructing new projects. We are constructing barrages at Medigadda, Annaram, Sundilla and Kothur. Water will be available in abundance in Yellampally, Mid Maner and lower Maner. Water is available all the time in the 275 Kms stretch in Godavari river from Basar to Bhadrachalam’s stretch of 500 Kms. Fill up the reservoirs and tanks regularly and be ready to supply water through canal whenever it is required,” the CM instructed.
“There is availability of water and for the first time in the country we are spending Rs 35,000 Crore per year on irrigation. We have to take advantage of the situation” the CM suggested.
Deputy CM Kadiam Srihari, MLAs E Dayakar Rao, Redyanaik, Kishore have made requests on the reservoirs in their constituencies to the CM. The CM has responded positively to the suggestion given by Prashant Reddy on the modernization of Laxmi Canal, which is main for the Choutupalli Hanmanthreddy Lift Canal. The CM also instructed the officials to provide Lifts to give water to the fields lay between the FloodFlow Canal and the SRSP. The CM also instructed Suryapet and Mahabubabad Collectors to expedite land acquisition for the canals under SRSP.(NSS)