Hyderabad: Chief Minister Sri K Chandrasekhar Rao has instructed senior officials at the state level to tour the district to assess and examine the way decisions taken by the government to prevent spread of Corona virus are being implemented at the field level.
The CM held a high-level review meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here on Tuesday on measures taken to contain the Corona virus and implementation of the lockdown in the state. Chief Secretary Sri Somesh Kumar, DGP Sri Mahender Reddy, Medical and Health principal secretary Ms Shanti Kumari and others participated.
The situation in Hyderabad and other areas was reviewed. It was decided at the meeting that senior officials should tour the field level and monitor the situation personally. As per instructions given by the CM, CS Somesh Kumar, DGP Sri Mahender Reddy, Medical and Health Principal Secretary Ms Shanti Kumari, Medical and Health Director Sri Srinivas on Wednesday will tour Suryapet, Gadwal and Viqarabad districts.
To support measures and programmes launched by the state government to contain Corona virus, Hyderabad-based Biological Evans Limited company donated Rs one Crore to the CMRF. Company’s MD Ms Mahima Datla, Director Dr Indira Raju gave the Cheque to CM KCR at Pragathi Bhavan here on Tuesday. The CM thanked them.