Hyderabad: TRS supremo and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is to release the list of MP candidates on March 21 as he said earlier. The TRS is contesting 16 MP seats and supporting to MIM to Hyderabad seat for the LS polls to be held on March 11. The CM is likely to announce the names with segments including Maloth Kavitha Mahabubabad, Nama Nageshwar Rao Khammam, Talasani Sai Kiran Secunderabad, Gutha Sukhender Reddy Nalgonda, P Ramulu Nagar Kurnool, Karthik Reddy or Ranjith Reddy Chevella, Rajasekhar Reddy Malkajgiri.
KCR has reportedly gave nod for sittings of Nizamabad, Warangal, Bhuvanagiri, Medak, Jahirabad and Adilabad and to take a call on Mahabubnagar and Peddapally segments.