Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao addressed a meeting organized by CII and Government of Telangana at Shanghai, China, on Thursday evening, to explain the investment opportunities in the state in which more than 65 Chinese entrepreneurs and companies participated. It was a huge success.
The Chief Minister explained the details of single window industrial policy, the availability of land bank, hassle free permissions and approvals, zero corruption etc., He mentioned about chasing cell in CMO to take care of processing applications of investors and within a stipulated time of 15 days required permissions and approvals would be given. He invited them to invest in Telangana. Many industrialists evinced keen interest and expressed their desire to invest in Telangana.
Earlier in the presence of the Chief Minister, MoU was signed between Celkon and Makeno for investment of 20 million US Dollars in Hyderabad to set up LED TV unit.
Two more Chinese companies in cell phone components and headphones have come forward to invest in Hyderabad. Shanghai Electric Corporation Vice President Mr. Shao having a 40 Billion Dollar company met KCR. They have expressed their interest in setting up manufacturing and supply units of high powered pumps and electrical equipment in Hyderabad. He extended an invitation to them and requested their team to visit Telangana. (INN)