Mumbai: Tuesday’s episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 was filled with fun as we saw a contestant attempting Rs 1 crore question. Hussain Vohra, a Pune-based businessman was on the hot seat. He played an impeccable game and managed to win Rs 50 lakhs with the help of all four lifelines.
Nicknamed as ‘Mr Google’ by his friends and host Amitabh Bachchan, Hussain took a wise decision of taking home Rs 50,00,000 rather than scooping down to Rs 3,20,000 by answering the question wrong.
The Rs 1 crore question that made Hussain to quit KBC 13 was:
Among the peaks known as the eight-thousanders, which is the shortest in height but was the last peak to be successfully ascended?
The options were: Nanga Parba, Annapurna, Gasherbrum 1 and Shishapangma.
The correct option was Shishapangma which Hussain couldn’t answer. With this, Hussain won Rs 50,00,000.
After Hussain, another contestant who made it to the hot seat was Anuj Agawarl from Agra. He played till Rs 5,000 yesterday and managed to answer all questions. Let’s wait and watch how Anuj will play his game in tonight’s episode.
Kaun Banega Crorepati airs from Monday to Friday at 9 pm.