TRS MP Kavita assured the staff of Urdu computer centre and libraries run under the aegis of Minority Welfare Department that she would make representation with the government to regularise the services of contract workers and include them under non plan scheme. Staff of Computer Centres and libraries called on Kavita on Tuesday and submitted a memorandum based on their problems.
Kavita contacted Secretary Minority Welfare Syed Omer Jaleel and requested him for speedy settlement of the problems. Kavita claimed that government had decided to regularise all contract services however orders in this connection would be issued in phases. She lamented that the salaries of computer centre and libraries staff were paid with delay of 15 to 20 days.
The workers complained that behaviour of District Minority Welfare Officer Hyderabad behaviour is very rude and inhuman. Instead of sending report to Urdu Academy to release salaries he is threatening to sack them.
Siasat news