Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday dismissed Pakistan’s remarks on the creation of special townships for Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu and Kashmir, stating that the community, along with Muslims and Sikhs, are an integral part of the state.
“The demography of Jammu and Kashmir included the Kashmiri Pandits, the Muslims and the Sikhs as an integral part. When we plan to send the people back, it is natural that the number of Kashmiri Pandits will increase,” Jaitley told the media.
Meanwhile, Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh said that Jammu and Kashmir is an essential part of India.
“India’s policy is very clear: Jammu and Kashmir is an essential part our nation. If there is any issue about the state, it is that Pakistan occupied Kashmir should be brought back into India,” he said.
Earlier in the day, Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs official spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said that that any effort to create special townships in Jammu and Kashmir would violate the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, adding that the people of the state are resisting such a change. (ANI)