Kasganj : Five days after clashes broke out in Uttar Pradesh’s Kasganj, the state police arrested the main accused behind the killing of Chandan Gupta. Gupta, one of the men participating in Friday’s rally, died of a gunshot in the ensuing Kasganj violence.
UP Police arresting innocent Muslims by breaking their doors of houses, the videos goes viral on social media. Police investigating the area in search of more Gupta’s Murder accused. In search of that from the latest video viral on social media, it is clear that the police is reportedly going to break the doors of some Muslim houses in Kasganj and see arresting people forcibly.
Before that The state police said, it has arrested Saleem Javaid, who used to run a cloth store in Kasganj. “Saleem fired the shot that killed Chandan Gupta. We are trying to ascertain if he has a previous criminal track record. Investigation is on in the matter,” said a police official, requesting anonymity.
The state government has submitted a status report on the Kasganj violence to the Union home ministry after the latter sought a report on the matter. Union home minister Rajnath Singh is also likely to make a statement in Parliament during the ongoing Lok Sabha session on the Kasganj violence.
Defying the Uttar Pradesh police order against carrying out a rally, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Wednesday carried out a Tiranga (Tricolour) rally across Agra, waving saffron flags and chanting anti-Pakistan slogans.
(The Post and video goes viral on facebook, However ‘siasat’ does not confirm the authenticity of this video)