Karnataka: Parents warned over prejudice against Anganwadi Dalit cook

After upper-caste parents decided not to send their children to the Anganwadi due to the appointment of a Dalit helper, the police and administration officials held a meeting with the parents on Sunday in an attempt to make them understand and break out of the concept of ‘untouchability’.

Trouble started when a Dalit woman named Milana Bai was appointed as a cook for students in an Anganwadi centre in Bidar, Karnataka. Upper-caste parents objected to it and stopped sending their children to school.

Instead of resolving the issue, the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) asked Milana Bai to look for another employment.

After the incident came to light, district authorities and the Women and Child Welfare Department officials rushed to the village. They took up an awareness campaign to convince the locals.

In the meeting on Sunday, the officials attempted to help the parents understand that the concept of ‘untouchability’ is wrong and that they should send their wards to schools.

As some still did not accept, the police threatened to lodge complaints against them.