BENGALURU: As the BS Yeddyurappa being sworn in as the Chief Minister of Karnataka on Thursday, May 17, actor-activist Prakash Raj,who is known for his anti-BJP views declared it is ‘an Encounter of the Constitution.’
A staunch critic of the Narendra Modi government, the national award winning actor tweeted, “KARNATAKA an ENCOUNTER of the CONSTITUTION has begun…there will be no report of the CITIZENS caught in the CROSSFIRE..but U will be drugged on..breaking news of WHO jumped WHERE,exclusive pictures of the resorts lawmakers are kept in,talent of the Chanakya etc.etc.happy viewing. [sic]”
KARNATAKA an ENCOUNTER of the CONSTITUTION has begun…there will be no report of the CITIZENS caught in the CROSSFIRE..but U will be drugged on..breaking news of WHO jumped WHERE,exclusive pictures of the resorts lawmakers are kept in,talent of the Chanakya etc.etc.happy viewing
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) May 17, 2018
The 53-year old actor had followed the election campaigning closely, even exhorting people to go out and vote.
Prakash on Tuesday, took to twitter to warn the people to watch out for negotiations and horse-trading among the parties, all desperate to form the next government.
He said, “1. BJP approaches Governor claiming largest party ..2. He gives time to prove ( read as ..time to poach n buy) …3. Chanakya arrives to poach …4. Paid media on the toes to celebrate his talent …5. Finally we the citizens reduced to watch the match of horse trading.”
1. BJP approaches Governor claiming largest party ..2. He gives time to prove ( read as ..time to poach n buy) …3. Chanakya arrives to poach …4. Paid media on the toes to celebrate his talent …5. Finally we the citizens reduced to watch the match of horse trading
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) May 15, 2018
Though the BJP fell eight short of the 112-halfway mark for a simple majority, BS Yeddyurappatook the oath as the Chief Minister of Karnataka on Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Raj Bhavan amid tight security after Supreme Court refused to stall the swearing-in after a rare three-and-a-half-hour midnight courtroom drama.