New Delhi, July 15: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh took time out to take part in the 220th anniversary of the Bastille Day in Paris. But neither he nor any senior government official has time to participate in the 10th anniversary of the victory over Pakistan in Kargil.
The forces are disappointed and the veterans feel let down.
After two months of blood and sweat, the Indian Armed Forces finally had the glory at Kargil. The victory came at the cost of 530 soldiers while over 700 others were injured. Ten years down the line, the forces are feeling let down – ignored and neglected.
While the prime minister is away in France, no other political elite in the country has any inclination to join the victory celebrations. In fact, there are no grand celebrations planned out in the capital to commemorate the grand victory over Pakistan in 1999.
Sources in the ministry of defence said there will be a wreath laying ceremony at Amar Jawan and the celebrations will take place in Drass. But forces feel that is not enough. It was the nation’s victory at Kargil. But only division level celebrations are being organised at Drass. None of the leaders, not even the defence minister, is taking part in the celebrations.
Veterans say the country’s elite are looking at victory celebrations through political blinkers. Is victory not being celebrated because it came at a time when the BJP was at the helm of affairs or is it that the government is too timid to antagonise Pakistan? Whatever be the reason, the soldiers are feeling let down.