Mumbai: Director Kanu Behl carved a niche with the critically acclaimed debut film, “Titli”, and is now all set to return with a new feature, “Agra”.
The film marks the comeback of actor Rahul Roy and is an exploration of sexual dynamics within a family that is confined in a small house in smalltown India.
“The film is an exploration of sexual dynamics within a family that is confined in the physical spaces they are forced to inhabit. The resulting chaos gives us a window into our many sexual repressions and the new smalltown India, which we have all grown to adore. ‘Agra’ tries to understand sexuality and physical space. And how the lack of it affects the way we live our lives, in a country of over billion people,” said Behl.
The film also features Priyanka Bose, Mohit Agarwal and Ruhani Sharma, Vibha Chibber, Sonal Jha and Aanchal Goswami. It has been shot in and around Agra. The team recently wrapped up the shoot.
“The fact that Yoodlee Films has come on board for this project gives me confidence in their commitment to create meaningful cinema which is at once relevant and unique in content,” Behl added.
“‘Agra’ is a daring story. It’s also an uncomfortable one — one which forces you to look inward into the depths of depravity we might fall into, when we live in confined spaces. And it takes a director like Kanu Behl and his incisive vision to bring a complex story to screen,” said Siddharth Anand Kumar, VP – Films and Television at Saregama.