Hyderabad: The ‘Kanti Velugu’ programme launched by the Telangana Government three days back, is receiving tremendous response from the public in almost all the districts of the State, as also the capital. Thousands of people have been taking advantage of the programme by attending the eye testing camps being conducted at different places.
It may be recalled that the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has started the kanti velugu programme to enable all the people in the State to get their eyes tested, and wherever necessary, spectacles are being given free of cost to those who required the same. Also, necessary treatment is also being provided to cure the ailments relating to the eyes, all free of cost.
The rural people are highly appreciative of the welfare programme launched by the Telangana Government, probably first of its kind in the entire country. Ministers are over-seeing the programme in their respective areas, apart from the M Ps and MLAs. In each district, thousands of people have undergone eye testing, treatment and glasses during the last three days. The Government aims to provide free eye testing facility, treatment to all the 3.80 crore people of the State. (NSS)