Pune: Putting aside the alleged practice of ‘virginity test’, a couple belonging to Kanjarbhat community got married on May 12 by taking an open stand against the practice. The nomadic tribe that migrated from Rajasthan to Maharashtra and Gujarat follows a humiliating practice, wherein a bride is subjected to a “character test” on the wedding night.
The husband and wife consummate their marriage on a white cloth immediately after getting married. The caste councils oversee, while family members remain outside to know whether everything is ‘going well’ between the couple. In case the girl does not bleed, the girl is assaulted and boycotted. The family of the girl is also made to pay heavy sums of money to settle ‘the matter’.
Defying all odds, Vivek Tamaichikar who is a postgraduate from Mumbai’s Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) married Aishwarya Bhat, granddaughter of former PCMC Mayor Kavichand Bhat in Pimpri. The couple in their invitation card had requested the guests to fight this practice, said an exclusive report by The Indian Express.
Also Read: Three men thrashed in Pune for opposing ‘virginity test’ of brides
Vivek and Aishwarya had appealed the guests to participate in their marriage for strengthening their fight against the ill practices in Kanjarbhat community. Vivek also heads a WhatsApp group “Stop the V-ritual”, to stand against the ritual.
Police personnel, actor Nagraj Manjule, Shiv Sena MLC Neelam Gorhe, Mukta Dabholkar of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti and others were also present at the ceremony.
In an incident in January, three men were allegedly beaten up by 40 community members after they opposed the practice.