New Delhi: Vikram Singh Chauhan, the lawyer who allegedly led the attack on journalists and students at the Patiala House Court, on Friday rejected that JNU students’ union president Kanhaiya Kumar was attacked.
“Kanhaiya was not attacked at the Patiala House Court complex,” he said, adding that if anyone raises anti-India slogans on the court premises, nobody would listen to it.
“JNU students in black coats raised slogans at Gate No. 2. And no citizen of this country can bear anti-national slogans,” said Chauhan.
“If they provoke and challenge our patriotism and attack us, we will definitely respond,” he added.
When asked that a person visiting the court is not safe, he said, the enemies of the country would definitely think hundred times before entering the court premises.
He, however, denied that they attacked journalists at the court, and accused JNU students in black coats for it. (ANI)