New Delhi: The Facebook account of JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar, arrested on sedition charges, was allegedly hacked today, with students agitating in his support, deciding to report the matter to Delhi Police cyber cell.
Kanhaiya’s profile picture was found to be “updated” around 8:40 PM. The image shows a group of soldiers trying to erect a tricolour. It has received over 600 comments within one hour after the image was “updated”.
Members of the students council, who are agitating demanding Kanhaiya’s release, claimed, “His (Kanhaiya) account has been hacked purposely to aggravate the situation. We will report the matter to Delhi Police Cyber Cell.”
Jawaharlal Nehru University is caught in a row over an event in the campus against the hanging of parliament attack convict Afzal Guru, where “anti-national” slogans were allegedly raised.
The varsity’s students’ union president Kanhaiya is in judicial custody in a sedition case over the incident.