Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Tuesday directed actor Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel to appear before the police on January 8 in connection with FIR lodged alleging she tried to create a divide between communities with her social media posts.
The Court has asked the police not to take any action against them till then. The next hearing will be on January 11.
The Bombay High Court today heard Kangana Ranaut’s plea against an FIR lodged at Mumbai’s Bandra Police Station on allegations of a complainant that she tried to create a divide between communities with her social media posts.
On October 17, a local court in Mumbai’s Bandra has issued directions for the registration of an FIR against Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel for allegedly spreading communal hatred.
The complaint had alleged that Rangoli Chandel had also made an objectionable tweet to spread communal hatred among Hindu and Muslim communities. It said the Bandra police station did not take cognizance of the offence, after which the complainant moved the court.
Later, an FIR was registered against Kangana Ranaut and Rangoli Chandel at Bandra police station under charges of sedition and promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion.
The case has been registered under Section 124 A (sedition), 153-A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, prejudicial to maintenance of harmony) and 295-A (deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings by insulting its religion) of the Indian Penal Code.