Mumbai: The tussle between actors Kangana Ranaut and Sonu Sood started in 2019 when both of them parted ways due to professional differences during the film “Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi.” Even now, it seems like Kangana is still holding onto the grudge, as she recently liked a tweet that accused Sonu as ‘fraud’.
It is no shocking that Kangana leaves no stone unturned in bashing or criticising people on her Twitter page.
On Monday, a Twitter user shared advertisement images in which Sonu was seen promoting oxygen concentrating machines. Sharing the posters, the user wrote, “Such a fraud using a crisis to make money Oxygen concentrator Rs. 2 lakh.” He further wrote, “@SonuSood you are cheating people whose loved ones are dying.. even 10 litres of Oxygen Concentrator doesn’t cost 1 lac and you are charging ₹2 lac for 5 ltr oxygen concentrator… How do you sleep at night doing so much fraud? BMC was right in saying you are a serial offender.”
Over 2,700 people, including Kangana Ranaut, liked the tweet.
Sonu Sood had to walk out of Kangana’s “Manikarnika” in 2018 owing to his professional commitment towards “Simmba”. Actress claimed that Sonu left the movie as he “refused to work under a woman director”. Sonu clarified that it wasn’t the case. The actor, while speaking with Barkha Dutt’s Mojo Story, revealed, “80% of my scenes were chopped off and the scenes that I was narrated were not there.”
However, Twitter on Tuesday suspended Kangana’s account on the platform, after a series of controversial tweets triggered legal action upon her.
On the other hand, people are hailing Sonu Sood for his philanthropic work during the coronavirus pandemic. He has been active on social media to amplify COVID-19 services like oxygen, injections and beds to those in need.