Mumbai: Actress Kangana Ranaut came out in support of Arnab Goswami of Republic TV. She claimed that attempts are being made to block the TV channel as it raised questions against the policies of the Maharashtra Government.
In the video, she urged Central Government to interfere in the matter to protect the rights of citizens.
Arnab Goswami issues statement
Meanwhile, Arnab Goswami issued a statement claiming that Maharashtra Government is trying to block Republic TV.
In the statement, he said, “Uddhav Thackeray, release my journalists immediately and arrest your party leaders who are issuing threats to blackout the distribution of Republic Bharat. If you don’t, I will fight you in both the court of public opinion and our country’s highest courts”.
Kangana Ranaut hits out at Sonia Gandhi
Earlier, the actress had said history will judge Gandhi for her silence and indifference.
Kangana on Twitter wrote: “You have grown up in the west and lived here in India. You may be aware of the struggles of women. History will judge your silence and indifference when your own Government is harassing women and ensuring a total mockery of law and order. I hope you will intervene @INCIndia”
She added: “Dear respected honourable @INCIndia president Sonia Gandhi ji being a woman arn’t you anguished by the treatment I am given by your government in Maharashtra? Can you not request your Government to uphold the principles of the Constitution given to us by Dr. Ambedkar?”