New Delhi: In a video which went viral on social media on Wednesday, Madhya Pradesh state Congress President Kamal Nath is seen asking Muslim workers of his party to ensure “90 per cent polling” in the community-dominated booths to “save” the Congress from a “big loss” in the upcoming Assembly polls.
He is also seen asking them to take out the last election’s figures and do a “postmortem” as to why the polling percentage was 50-60 per cent and not 90 per cent in the Muslim majority booths.
“Resolve today that you would ensure 80-90 per cent polling in your booths. If we don’t get 90 per cent votes of the Muslim community, we may suffer a big loss,” he is seen telling the workers.
“…You (Muslim Congress workers) will have to take care of your own society, not just for the Congress but for the whole state,” he said.
The meeting where the video was shot apparently took place in October.
Madhya Pradesh will vote on November 28 in a single phase to elect a new Assembly.