Chennai: Tamil film actor Kamal Haasan, who will turn 63 on Tuesday, will not celebrate his birthday as people here are distressed by heavy rains. He will instead visit a medical camp and a rain-affected area.
The actor’s spokesperson said in a statement that Kamal, who has set his eyes on a political career, will meet the media at 12 noon to share a “special message”.
“This year he has decided not to celebrate his birthday while Chennai people are distressed by the rains,” the spokesperson said.
“Instead, he will be visiting a medical camp, which is set up by Narpani Iyakkam (Welfare Movement) at Annapoorna Marriage Hall, CTH Road… and rain-affected area at Naryanapuram, S. Kolathur Road, Pallikaranai, next to Balaji Dental College.
“He will be reaching out to people with his special message and plans for the future. Come witness the promise for change,” the spokesperson said.
There has been a lot of talk regarding Kamal’s political plunge.
Kamal has said the first step towards it will be the launch of a mobile software app on Tuesday as it will enable him to be in touch with the fans and as well as enable book-keeping.