Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao today said that Kaleshwaram waters will be released to crops in Bhupalapally by next Rainy season. He inspected canal modernization and repair works worth Rs 103 cr at the site at Regonda mandal as part of SRSP project here with Deputy Chief Minister K Srihari, Minister E Rajender, Speaker S Madhusudhan Chary and others.
Addressing a meeting after laying foundation stone for DBM-38 canal modernisation the related works, Harish said that the project will be completed in just 20 months against seven to eight years. CWC team has appreciated the Kaleshwaram project for its speed and quality he said. The state government is for helping the farmers by timely completion of the projects he said adding that farm sector is getting 24 hour power supply free of cost. Telangana farmers are lucky and will have better days with distribution of Rs 4000 per acre towards investment he said. The minister said that Devadula waters will be given for second crop and fill up the lakes to revive rural irrigation and economy. As we got Telangana, Bhupalapally became district and witnessing development with efforts by Srihari and other leaders.
The minister flayed that the previous congress regime ignored the projects and farm sector. Now the TRS Government is spending huge funds for irrigation projects and providing Rs 8000 per acre in two spells. Despite gimmicks by the congress the TRS will be in power for another 20 years, he claimed. They must visit the villages and interact with the people to know their problems he suggested. (NSS)