Hyderabad: Finance Minister, Etala Rajender today said that Karimnagar will get first benefits from the prestigious Kaleshwaram project. Due to heavy rains for a few days, the combined district of Karimnagar will get sufficient waters for drinking as well as for irrigation purposes for two years, the finance minister said.
Talking to press persons in Karimnagar after a review on rains and floods with Collector Srafrajh Ahmed along with ZP Chairperson T Uma and MLA Rasamayi Balakishan, Rajender said that the old district has been receiving abundant rain fall for a few days. Though there was no report of loss of life, assets and animals due to rains while 100 tmc water gone waste at Medigadda, he observed. The state government is developing Karimnagar district like never before, he said. Rajender also said that previous Karimnagar remains a seed bowl of Telangana.(NSS)