Mumbai: Actor Kamal Haasan came defending Bollywood actress Kajol, after she gets trolled on Twitter for taking a picture with superstar Amitabh Bachchan and him, during Kolkata International Film Festival’s inauguration on November 10.
Selfie time with two legends ….. couldn’t resist 😜
— Kajol (@itsKajolD) November 10, 2017
Kajol did not hold back her emotions and got excited to share the frame with the two senior actors, but Twiterrati trolled her for the way of selfie was taken.
Selfie lene ka best tarika koi kajol pass se shikhe wow to much selfie it"'s true selfie kajol wow superb selfie mene pheli bar dekha esa ke selfie ese bhi li ja shakti he
— Hasan Malek (@hasanmalek1) November 14, 2017
Meanwhile, actor Kamal Haasan supported the actress on Sunday asking netizens to spare her and to have a kind gesture towards the actress.
Please spare Kajolji. I an not a fan of selfies. Though I am a fan of them both. Troll not a kind guesture.
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) November 12, 2017