Veteran actor Kabir Bedi, who was the special guest at the 16th River to River Florence Indian Film Festival, has been honoured with the Keys to the City of Florence.”Honoured by being presented Keys to the city of Florence by Mayor at the 16th River to River Florence Indian Film Festival. Grazie. Firenze,” he tweeted on Sunday after Deputy Mayor Cristina Giachi gave him the Keys to te City.
The aim of the six-day fest, which began on Saturday, is to promote films from and about India. The actor was recently honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Valladolid International Film Festival (Seminci) Edition 2016 in Spain as well.
On foreign shores, the 70-year-old has worked in projects like Sandokan, General Hospital, The Bold and the Beautiful, Guns & Glory: The Indian Soldier, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Fantastic Four.
In India, Kabir featured in films like Khoon Bhari Maang, Yalgaar, Kachche Dhaage and Nagin.
HONOURED by being presented KEYS TO THE CITY OF FLORENCE by Mayor, at the @river2riverfiff Film Festival. Grazie #Firenze!
— KABIR BEDI (@iKabirBedi) December 4, 2016
Earlier, Kabir Bedi rooted for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and says a woman president of the US would make a “historic landmark.”
Bedi has been part of Bollywood for over four decades and has featured in films like Khoon Bhari Maang and Talaash: The Hunt Begins. His claim to fame in the foreign world was Italian TV series Sandokan. The 70-year-old actor has also contributed to international movies like Octopussy.
He also featured in international projects like The Bold and the Beautiful and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.