100th birthday of B Aga Reddy, father of Justice B. Subhashan Reddy, Lok Ayukta Telangana and Andhra, was celebrated on grand level at Pingali Venkat Ram Reddy Function Hall, Indira Park. City dignitaries like Justice Nagarjuna Reddy of High Court Hyderabad, Justice Subhashan Reddy, Justice Sivaroopa Reddy, Municipal Commissioner Greater Hyderabad B. Janardhan Reddy, Rajya Sabha MP Indira Sen Reddy, MLC Maulana Dr. Siraj ur Raman dentist and Lok Ayukt officials including IGP Narsimha Reddy attended the function and congratulated Mr. B Aga Reddy and his family members. The first among the books written by Aga Reddy was released by former minister Anand Rao. ACP Mr. Tajuddin and other family members monitored the arrangement of the function.
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