Junior colleges in Telangana set to reopen – Here’s annual calendar

Hyderabad: Junior colleges located in Hyderabad and other districts in Telangana are gearing up to reopen on June 1 as the commencement of classwork for both first and second-year students will begin on Thursday.

As per the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TS BIE) admission schedule, the first phase of admissions will be completed by June 30. The schedule for the second phase will be announced later.

Those who are seeking admissions into junior colleges in Telangana can access details about them through the official TS BIE website (click here).

As per the academic calendar for the upcoming academic year, 2023-2024 there will be 227 working days out of a total of 304 days. The remaining include Sundays, festival days, and vacations.

Dussehra holidays will be from October 19 to 25, 2023 whereas holidays for Sankranthi will be from January 13 to 16, 2024.

As per the schedule, intermediate practical exams will be conducted in the second week of February 2024 whereas, the theory examinations will be held in first week of March 2024.

After the exams, the summer Vacation will begin on April 1 and continue till May 31, 2024.