Hyderabad: Justice Pradeep Kumar Srivatsava, the judge heading a single-member inquiry commission probing into the Lakhimpur Kheri violence in which farmers were allegedly run over, visited the site of the violence on Wednesday.
Examining the scene of the crime, the retired judge received inputs from police officials which included testimonies from witnesses and crime scene recreations. However, the judge asked forensic experts accompanying him to carry out further investigations.
A police official said Justice Srivastava spent several hours at the site to understand the events that took place when a car of union minister Ajay Kumar Mishra’s son, Ashish Mishra, allegedly ran over four farmers and four others including a journalist were killed during the violence that erupted over the death of farmers. Under the directions of the judge, members of the media and outsiders were not allowed anywhere near the barricaded crime scene.
As reported by the Hindustan Times, the Uttar Pradesh government constituted the single-member judicial commission of inquiry under Justice Pradeep Kumar Srivastava as per the agreement between the agitating farmers and the authorities to ensure a thorough probe into the violence.