‘Joe and I look forward to finishing the job,’ says VP Harris

Washington: US Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday urged Americans to come together to fight for democracy, continue to make progress, and make sure all Americans can get ahead and thrive, minutes after President Joe Biden announced his 2024 reelection bid and named her as his running mate.

“This is a pivotal moment in our history,” said Harris, who is the first woman and the first Indian American and first African American to be the vice president of the US.

President Biden on Tuesday formally announced his 2024 reelection bid with Harris as his running mate.

“For two years we have made transformational investments to build a nation in which everyone can be safe and healthy, find a good job, and retire with dignity. In response, extremists have intensified attacks on basic, foundational freedoms and rights,” Harris said in a statement soon after Biden in a video message announced his 2024 presidential bid.

“For example, they want to take away a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. They attack the sacred right to vote and attempt to silence the voice of the people. And they try to block common sense reforms to save lives and keep Americans safe from gun violence,” the 58-year-old democrat said.

“The Republicans running for President want to take our country backwards. We will not let that happen. Just like we did in 2020, we must come together to fight for our democracy, continue to make progress, and make sure all Americans can get ahead and thrive,” she said.

“Joe and I look forward to finishing the job, winning this battle for the soul of the nation, and serving the American people for four more years in the White House,” Harris said.

Meanwhile, eminent Indian-American Ajay Jain Bhutoria said that President Biden and Vice President Harris have demonstrated that they are committed to building a more equitable and prosperous America.

California-based Bhutoria said their leadership has been instrumental in helping millions of Americans during the pandemic, and their vision for the future is inspiring.

In a statement, Bhutoria also highlighted the importance of unity and a broad-based coalition to secure a victory in 2024. He called upon his fellow community leaders and grassroots organisers to rally behind the Biden-Harris campaign and build a diverse coalition that reflects the values of all Americans.

“We need leadership that is committed to bringing people together and creating a more just and prosperous future for all Americans,” said Bhutoria, who has been a long-time supporter of Biden and a major fundraiser for his campaign.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris have the experience, vision, and values that are needed to continue to move our country forward, and I am proud to support their re-election campaign,” he said.

Praising the Biden-Harris administration for its bold leadership, Bhutoria said this has resulted in significant accomplishments, such as the passage of the American Rescue Plan and the historic infrastructure package.