Jobs most likely to make you sick revealed

Are you falling sick without any apparent illness? Your job could be the reason behind it.

Although, some jobs, such as logging and power line repairing are inherently dangerous, agriculture is one of the top most careers that can make one sick, Fox News reported.

According to National Cancer Institute, farmers have an exceptionally high risk of leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, soft tissue sarcoma, and cancers of the skin, lip, stomach, brain, and prostate because they are exposed to hazardous chemicals including pesticides, engine exhaust, fertilizers, fungicide and animal viruses.

Construction workers are also most likely to fall sick, as small fibers of asbestos build up in lungs, stiffening them and causing asbestosis.

American Lung Association has said that around 1.3 million construction workers are currently exposed to asbestos.

Firefighters are seven times more likely to die of a heart attack than smoke inhalation and nearly twice as likely to die of ticker trouble.

According to University of Iceland researchers, airline pilots have 25 times the normal rate of malignant melanoma and their lifestyle factors play a role in susceptibility to skin cancer too.

Lastly, any work that requires a person to sit at a desk can most likely make them sick, as a sedentary job is associated with an 82 percent increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to those who spend less than four hours per week sitting on the job. (ANI)