Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has expressed deep anguish over the death of a 23-year-old man in Batamaloo area of Jammu, even as she asked the security forces to “exercise maximum restraint while operating in provocative situations.”
She also condemned the killing of Bashir Ahmad, who was gunned down by unidentified gunmen at Qasbayar in Pulwama on Saturday night, an official spokesman said.
“The Chief Minister has directed the security forces to exercise maximum restraint while performing their duties in provocative situations and follow the laid down SOPs (standard operating procedures) strictly in such cases,” he said.
The PDP leader has sought a report from the state police about an incident of violence at Degree College Pulwama yesterday in which more than 50 students were injured.
“The Chief Minister has also sought a report on the surfacing of some ‘disturbing’ videos in the valley, which she termed as ‘unacceptable and atrocious’,” the spokesman added.