Srinagar: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Chaudhary Lal Singh on Friday has boldly warned the journalists reporting on Kashmir to draw a line to avert “Shujaat like incident”.
Draw a line and chose how to live or else you will face Basharat like situation, Singh warned journalists while addressing a media conference in Jammu, Greater Kashmir reported.
The Kashmiri media has created “wrong narrative regarding the Kathua rape-and-murder case and now, I would like to ask them to draw a line of journalism and think about how to live,” he said.
Watch BJP's LalSingh warning: #Kashmir journalists created a wrong atmosphere. I want them to draw line in journalism on how to live. Do you want to be like Basharat ( #ShujaatBukhari )@sambitswaraj @OmarAbdullah
@tariqkarra @republic @TimesNow @RShivshankar @saikatd— Majid Hyderi -Jimmy (@majidhyderi) June 23, 2018
If that was not enough, the BJP leader went further on recalling the recent gruesome murder of ‘Rising Kashmir’ chief editor Shujaat Bukhari. He said:
“Are they waiting for the similar incident that has happened with Basharat referring to Shujaat?”
“It’s better to control yourself before situation get worse,” he said, adding, “They (journalists) must draw a line so that brotherhood in the state remains intact and we also join the journey of development.”
Singh had earlier racked up controversy in 2016 when he boldly warned Gujjar farmers reminding them of Muslims massacre in Jammu following the partition in 1947.
Earlier, his brother Rajinder Singh has abused former CM Mufti during one of his rally in Harinagar.