Ranchi: Health Minister of Jharkhand, Ramchandra Chandravanshi has recently claimed that the state has come a long way from the day when Jharkhand was on 18th number among states as far as their healthcare services were concerned. It now stands third in the country, according to an independent survey.
“We have come a long way from the day not far ago when Jharkhand was placed 18 among states as far as healthcare services was concerned to 3rd now in country. Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) has been only last month awarded as the most promising medical colleges in eastern India. But we in government believe that we have to do a lot to provide quality healthcare to all and I want to urge the industry to come forward and do things on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in which Government is ready to offer whatever it can,” said Chandravanshi on the occasion of ASSOCHAM Health and Wellness Summit – Awards 2017, held at Ranchi.
However, he admitted that a lot needs to be done in the State in order to provide quality healthcare to the poorest of the poor, which according to him was not possible by government alone.
“Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) has been only last month awarded as the most promising medical colleges in eastern India. But we in government believe that we have to do a lot to provide quality healthcare to all and I want to urge the industry to come forward and do things on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in which Government is ready to offer whatever it can,” Chandravanshi was speaking to ANI from Ranchi.
Jharkhand is going to be the second State in country to offer ‘free health services’ to all the minors in the government-run hospitals, if things go in line with what Health Department of the State has been working on since last few months, Health Minister said.
He continued saying that it was planning to introduce free health services for all the minors in the State across income groups, adding that the proposal was in advance stages and it could be introduced for discussions in any of the cabinet meetings in near future.
Health Minister of Jharkhand, Ramchandra Chandravanshi felicitated a 12-year old Jamshedpur girl Mondrita Chatterjee for constructing two toilets in a village of over 250 families with no toilets at all while giving awards to hospitals and entrepreneurs of healthcare sector on the occasion of ASSOCHAM Health and Wellness Summit – Awards 2017.
The girl, inspired by Swachchha Bharat Campaign used her piggy bank money, collected in over two years of time, to get the toilet constructed. Assocham Health and Wellness Awards 2017 for best hospital in North India was given to Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida which was received by Director Marketing Gaurav Pandey, for outstanding research and philanthropic health care work.
On the occasion, State’s Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare Department Additional Chief Secretary Sudhir Tripathi mentioned about a short and long term goals the Government was working on to improve healthcare services in the State.
“We are going to launch 108-ambulances in 300 plus numbers within three months. We are also going to start Sadar Hospital without wasting any time, as this hospital has turned as a symbol of inefficiencies of the system. The Government has also planned to provide health check-ups worth Rs. 250 free for all, which might claim around Rs.500 Crores to the government on yearly basis,” Tripathi said.
ASSOCHAM Regional Director SK Singh, Jharkhand Start Up Council of ASSOCHAM Rajeev Gupta, Health Services Director Praveen Chandra, Medica Group of Hospitals Vice President Sanjay Kumar and others were also present during inaugural session of the event, followed by two technical sessions by health and wellness experts.