Ranchi: Hats off to Siasat readers: With just an appeal on Siasat’s website, readers contribute Rs.16.25 lakh to Shaik Nayeem’s widow Salma Bibi.
However, Salma on the representation of Siasat’s correspondent in Ranchi Mr. Tanweer Ahmed and the successful efforts of the Panchayat head Mr. Syed Zabiullah hands over Rs.1 lakh each to widows of other three victims.

String of lynchings by murderous mob:
On rumors of the child-lifting gangs were on the prowl, four Muslim cattle traders were lynched to death by a mob in Jharkhand, on late Thursday night of 18 May. It was reported that the victims – Sheikh Nayeem, 35, Sheikh Sajju, 25, and Sheikh Siraj, 26, Sheikh Halim (28), in a group of four set off from Haldipokhar for Rajnagar to buy cattle when their car was intercepted by the mob. The mob heard the rumors of the child thief gang and has targeted the Muslim youths.
The so called vigilantes are so empowered that they take law into their own hands and brutally thrashed people to death. The self-appointed child-thief vigilantes mercilessly thrashed Nayeem and his three companions with stones and wooden sticks. The bleeding Nayeem was taken to a hospital by a police team, but there he succumbed to injuries on May 18. Nayeem breathe his last.
A wife and father mourned the loss of a husband and a son. The family members of late Nayeem was dependent on him. He was the only bread-owner of the family. He was survived by wife and three children. The daughter of Nayeem has to undergo dialysis for every fifteen days. His father is aged and now there is no member in his house to earn for the living.