Mumbai: Leading private airline Jet Airways on Thusday said it has raised its domestic frequency, introduced four new sectors and incorporated a wide bodied aircraft on the Delhi-Mumbai-Delhi route as part of its 2015 winter schedule.
he four new sectors are Mumbai-Vishakhapatnam, Delhi-Visakhapatnam, Srinagar-Jammu and Chennai -Kolkata, the airline said in a statement.
On the Delhi-Mumbai-Delhi route, wide-bodied aircraft Airbus A330-200 has been pressed into service while the domestic network got 19 additional frequencies to meet increased demand on key sectors in the winter schedule, the statement added.
“The new flights and additional frequencies in our 2015 winter schedule will further strengthen our robust domestic network, while offering our guests additional choice and flexibility to plan their travel,” said senior vice president Gaurang Shetty.
Jet Airways has a fleet of 115 aircraft and connects 73 domestic and international destinations.