Telugu film actress and State BJP spokesperson Jeevitha, found guilty in a cheque bouncing case. The Erramanzil court sentenced her two years jail, court also imposed a fine of `25 lakhs on her on Monday.
The case was filed by the producer of the film ‘Evadaithe Nakenti.’However, on a petition of her counsel, the court granted her bail after she deposited Rs 25 lakh fine.
The case dates back to 2007 when she was a film producer and had borrowed money from Sama Shekhar Reddy. t is said that she took Rs 34 lakh from Reddy, She promised to repay the loan but did not.
However after many false promises and bouncing of cheques, the petitioner filed a case saying that she did not give the amount even after completion of several months.
The actress alleged that Reddy deceived her, she also made it clear that she would approach the Supreme Court if need arose.