New Delhi: President Pranab Mukherjee on Monday approved the conferment of Jeevan Raksha Padak Series of Awards, 2015 on 50 persons which includes Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak to three, Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak to nine and Jeevan Raksha Padak to thirty eight persons, nine awards are posthumous.
Jeevan Raksha Padak series of awards are given to a person for meritorious act of humane nature in saving the life of a person. The award is given in three categories, namely, Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak, Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak, and Jeevan Raksha Padak.
Persons of either sex in all walks of life are eligible for these awards. The award can also be conferred posthumously.
The decoration of the award (medal, certificate signed by the Home Minister and demand draft for lump sum monetary allowance) is presented to the awardee in due course by the respective State Government to which the awardee belongs.
The details are as under :-
Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak
1. Ullas Unnikrishnan (Posthumous), Kerela
2. Munna alias Ramdars Sisodiya (Posthumous), Madhya Pradesh
3. Ankit Kumar Mishra (Posthumous), Uttar Pradesh
Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak
1. Shivakumar R., Karnataka
2. Laldinpuia, Mizoram
3. Shaitan Singh (Posthumous), Rajasthan
4. Dr. Jitendra Kumar Soni, Rajasthan
5. Shourya Veer Singh (Posthumous), Madhya Pradesh
6. Riya Chaudhary (Posthumous), Uttar Pradesh
7. Monika alias Manisha (Posthumous), Uttarakhand
8. Gaurav Kumar Bharti (Posthumous), Uttar Pradesh
9. Ravindra Pal Singh (Posthumous), Uttar Pradesh
Jeevan Raksha Padak
1. Vikas Kumar Singh, Chhattisgarh
2. Amar Singh Gond, Chhattisgarh
3. Master Abhishek P.V., Kerala
4. Tomy Thomas, Kerala
5. Praveen P.K., Kerala
6. Jineesh, Kerala
7. Rabeesh, Kerala
8. Vipin, Kerala
9. Kiran Das, Kerala
10. Pradeep. M.V., Kerala
11. Harish Kumar Bhil, Rajasthan
12. Satish Vaijanathrao Bolegave, Maharashtra
13. Podo Soba, Mizoram
14. Syamol Kanty Chakma, Mizoram
15. Lalduhawma, Mizoram
16. R. Zoengmawii, Mizoram
17. R. Rothantluanga, Mizoram
18. Kuldeep Singh Kumpawat, Rajasthan
19. Rishipal Singh Kumpawat, Rajasthan
20. Jawahar Singh Yadav, Uttar Pradesh
21. Narender Singh, Uttarakhand
22. Shree Prakash, Uttar Pradesh
23. Kesav Kumar Yadav, Uttar Pradesh
24. Amit Kumar, Haryana
25. Aditya Raj Aanjaneya, Rajasthan
26. Abhiruchi Shrivastava, Madhya Pradesh
27. Muhammed Vahid P, Kerala
28. Romario Johnson, Kerala
29. Akshay Anand Tambe, Maharashtra
30. Mohit Kumar Mongare, Chhattisgarh
31.Kanhaiya Gadiya, Chhattisgarh
32. Avinash Pandey, Uttar Pradesh
33. Md. Javed Hussain, Bihar
34. Onkar Singh, Jammu & Kashmir
35. Rizen Wanchok, Jammu & Kashmir
36. Manjeet Singh, Punjab
37. Yogesh Kumar, Haryana
38. Narendra Singh, Uttarakhand. (ANI)